What does 2019 hold for you?

Someone asked me that recently.

Someone also said the time to set goals is now, not January 1st.

Interestingly, I’ve known for a while that I don’t really care about “new years” stuff, but I don’t think I’ve ever put my thoughts on this topic into a solid form before either…
Here is the outcome, my answer, or as close as I can get, to answering the question above.

Which isn’t really an answer to it at all, really. More of an answer to why I can’t answer it.

They’re right, the time to set goals is now. But its true of Any time, not just now on the calendar.

Just because a number on a paper changes, doesn’t make the way it works any different.

Life is what it is regaurdless of the date.

I’ve never understood the idea of new years resolutions and changes.

Whatever it(the next year) brings is what it brings.

Dates and calendar changes don’t mean a whole hell of a lot to me. If something happens, or I want to do something , change my life or not, etc, a number on a paper doesn’t mean anything, I can make plans any time, and fulfill them any time possible.
All associating it with a year change does is either makes you pressured to rush, or disappointed that you missed… Neither one is encouraging nor helpful.

Dont get me wrong, I’m surely not meaning to criticize the concept for others, not at all. More power to you if it works for you. 🙂

Just doesn’t make sense for me.

Categories: Journal, Life-Philosophy, Theory/Thoughts

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